During the project new immersive content has been created that was used to demonstrate the creative and immersive capabilities of the new formats, and to test, improve and assess the tools developed in the project. Below are descriptions of contents created as well as of major demonstrations.

Immersify at the Ars Electronica Festival 2020
The Immersify partners teamed up to showcase some of the contents produced within the Immersify project during the Ars Electronica Festival 2020. Three shows were presented live at Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K as well as via the online streaming channels: An 8K live best-of content showcase, a talk about the technology behind the project, and a demonstration of The Translucent St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

Immersify Panel at Cannes XR Virtual 2020
This year’s Cannes XR—a program fully dedicated to immersive technologies and works, in connection with the art of storytelling and the film industry—took place virtually from June 24th to 26th 2020. The Immersify team held a panel sharing their experiences and insights on producing and exhibiting highly immersive and interactive content.

Final Immersify demo in Poznan and Linz
The final demo of the Immersify project combined technologies that were developed over the last three years. It included an 8K stream from Poznan, Poland to Linz, Austria as well as live demonstrations of The Great Pyramid in 3D and The Translucent St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

8K Live Streaming from Poland to Japan at InterBEE 2019
With the support of the Immersify project, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Spin Digital, and NHK Technologies, the expert in broadcasting technology, information systems and IT for NHK, the public broadcaster in Japan, demonstrated an 8K live streaming from Poland to Japan.

Ars Electronica Festival 2019
The ongoing progress of R&D was presented at Deep Space 8K in a series of demos developed by artists like Tadej Droljc who premiered “Singing Sand 2.0” and BBC’s “The Great Pyramid in 3D” from the series Ancient Invisible Cities. Also taking place at Deep Space 8K, was an 8K live streaming demo stretching the limits of what is technologically possible today. In the panel discussion “Immersify – Frontiers of European Media Creation” collaborators and researchers gave insights into their latest work and discussed future potentials and directions. PSNC presented the audio installation “Immersive Ambisonic Audio” offering a glimpse into their experiments with 3D-audio in a binaural domain.

8K Live Streaming from Tokyo to Linz at Ars Electronica Festival
During the Ars Electronica Festival 2019 a demonstration of 8K live streaming from Tokyo to Linz was presented at the Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K.

8K HEVC live streaming from Poznan to Linz
New technologies of 8K streaming was presented during the Ars Electronica Festival 2019 in Linz, as a demonstration of a remote artists’ live performance between Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poznań, Poland) and Deep Space 8K at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria).

Sanbasō 8K Livestream
Under the auspices of the IMMERSIFY research program, the internationally renowned new media art institution Ars Electronica and the Japanese public-national broadcasting organization NHK group companies presented the first intercontinental 8K livestream via a public access internet connection, bringing a unique cultural event from Tokyo, Japan to Linz, Austria.

360° ambisonic immersive experience at TNC19
PSNC performed an ambisonic audio presentation at the TNC19 conference in Tallinn, letting visitors equipped with with VR glasses experience a 360° jazz band’s performance in the centre of a sound sphere created by 24 loudspeakers.

8K interactive live streaming at TNC19
PSNC performed an interactive demonstration at the TNC19 conference in Tallinn, presenting solutions developed in the Immersify project for live streaming of high resolution and high framerate video content.

Cannes XR, Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes 2019
The Immersify project consortium presented two demonstrations at the newly launched Cannes XR: High-resolution panoramic content was screened on a 180-degree Immersive Display composed of 9 tiled curved monitors. Several short video clips in 8K format produced or co-produced by Immersify were projected for 8K Cinema at Palais J movie theater using the INSIGHT 8K projector and the playback tools developed in the project.

Ars Electronica Festival 2018
The ongoing progress of R&D was presented in the form of demos in the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center. Two timelapse videos, one of Los Angeles – Pano LA 10K – by Joe Capra (Scientifantastic) and the other of Atacama Desert in Chile by Martin Heck (Timestorm Films) were shown. PSNC presented their latest 8K productions featuring Poznan racetrack and winter shots at negative temperatures in the Karkonosze Mountains. Further Prima Materia from NOHlab, a stereoscopic piece taking the audience on an audiovisual journey, could be enjoyed in 8K.

The translucent St. Stephen’s Cathedral
High resolution interactive tour of the St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna

Poznań Ice Festival 8K 3D
Timelapse in 3D showing the long process of ice carving during Poznan Ice Festival.

Krambabula 360
Recording of ambition sound and video 360 in the modernist building Okraglak in Poznań.

Fallout Shelter
Point cloud rendering of the fallout shelter from 1950s in 8K 3D and 16K 360.

Hel Peninsula
Underwater and aerial video clips from Hel Peninsula.

tx-reverse 360°
Virgil Widrich Film- und Multimediaproduktions G.m.b.H. provided us with tx-reverse 360°, a space time cut through cinema. Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich deal with the question of which previously unseen world arises when space and time are interchanged, aptly in a cinema and at full 360°.

The Noise and The Structure
Outdoor recording of ambisonics sound and the 360° video on the roof of the PSNC building using own 360° rig

Poznań Drive 3D 8K
Timelapse in 3D from the car drive through streets of Poznan.

LuxFest 360
360 and ambisonics recording during Luxfest rock festival in Poznan.

Anomalia – 8K & 360
Recording of ambisonic sound from the studio concert of Anomalia jazz band and video in 360° and 8K technologies

HighFrameRate 120p
4K recordings from Poznan recorded at 120 frames per second.

Slowmotion 4K 3D
3D recordings in PSNC studio made using slowmotion technology with two Phantom Flex 4K cameras and 3D rig.

Singing Sand 2.0
Ars Electronica subcontracted Tadej Droljc to provide an 8K version of his stereoscopic audiovisual work Singing Sand.

Immersive Minimalism Residency
Always Dead and Alive is an artwork by Theresa Schubert that was created as part of the STARTS residency entitled ‘Immersive Minimalism’ at PSNC.

Ancient Invisible Cities: The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid in 3D: From the BBC series, Ancient Invisible Cities offers users access to a spectacular VR experience inside the oldest wonder of the ancient world: The Great Pyramid of Giza. With a choice of three starting points users can explore the stunning signature scans featured in the Ancient Invisible Cities series in astonishing 12K.

Kórnik Castle Garden 3D
8K 3D videos taken in the arboretum of the castle in Kórnik near Poznań.

Island in the sky II
Ars Electronica subcontracted Timestorm Films to provide a Timelapse video of La Palma, Spain.

From the Inside – A different view of the Cathedral in Poznań
In May 2018 the PSNC team shot 8K footage of the Cathedral in Poznań. The filming was preceded by scanning the building in 3D with the use of LIDAR technology. The technology enabled a very accurate mapping of the main Gothic nave and the Golden Chapel. The footage can be divided into three parts: the interiors, the external surroundings, the aerial photos and 360° videos.

Karkonosze Mountains
Due to the fact that this year winter in Poland was quite cold and snowy we had a chance to try 8K real winter shootings in Polish mountains. Our choice was Szklarska Poręba, beautiful small town located at the foot of the mountain range of Karkonosze.
Frozen waterfalls and winter mountain panoramas from the Szrenica peak (1362 m above sea level) were the main goal, but additionally we recorded the Wang Temple, built originally from pine logs in Norway at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. Another place that was visited and filmed was a glassworks called “Leśna Huta”, where our film crew was very warmly welcomed and the glass-specialists showed our camera their work.

Prima Materia 8K
Ars Electronica subcontracted Nohlab to provide an 8K version of Prima Materia, a stereoscopic piece taking the audience on an audiovisual journey.

TV Anniversary Gala
PSNC and Polish Television are long-term partners. In 2017 TVP had its 60th Anniversary of operating in Poznań. PSNC as an organisation researching new media technology was invited to document this very special moment using the most up to date video techniques. The outcome is a detail-rich content with vivid colors and wide dynamics.

Baltic Legend Opera
In December 2017 PSNC was contracted to produce live TV content and streaming from the premiere of “Baltic Legend”, an opera of Feliks Nowowiejski performed in Poznań Opera House. During rehearsals of the spectacle there were opportunities to shoot some additional 8K footage together with immersive 360° videos. By this, we created demonstration content for two H2020 projects: Immersia TV (synchronized 4K TV content and 360 4K movie clips) and Immersify (8K content). Some parts of 8K clips were made behind the stage showing the work that is not visible to the audience, making the final content more interesting.

Dziekanowice Ethnographic Park
The idea of the movie is to show a typical cultural place in the form of a music clip. Near Poznan there is Wielkopolski Ethnographic Park Dziekanowice which presents the reconstruction of historical Wielkopolska village architectures from the 17th to early 20th centuries. This place in combination with an invited local folk band performing on contrabass, hurdy gurdy and singing ethno songs created scenic background for the three extraordinary 8K video clips.

Follow Car
PSNC film crew in cooperation with two other companies did an 8K experimental shooting on Racetrack Poznan and at an old military airport in Bednary. The choice was made on the racetrack, mainly because one of our Polish broadcasters was shooting “Automaniak”, a Polish version of well known TV show “Top Gear” and they brought a few nice cars which we could use for our experimental 8K shooting with big gimbal installed on the follow car. During two day shooting session mainly sports car were filmed, but also professional cyclists were caught “on tape” during their training.

Pano LA 10K
Ars Electronica subcontracted photographer Joe Capra of Scientifantastic.com to provide a Timelapse video of Los Angeles

Atacama Desert
Ars Electronica subcontracted Martin Heck of Timestorm Films to provide a Timelapse video of Atacama Desert.