Underwater and aerial video clips from Hel Peninsula
Poznań, Poland, September 2019
In September 2019 the PSNC film crew took advantage to dive on the Hel Peninsula in the north of Poland. Hel is the most sea-going part of the Polish coast, hence the surrounding waters were a strategic crossing between the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Gdansk. Many boats, ships and other equipment are sunk there, so these waters are the target of diving expeditions not only from Poland but also from the world. When it turned out that one of the PSNC employees is a professional diver and organizes diving expeditions, it was a great opportunity to shoot the underwater world of the Baltic Sea. For this purpose, the underwater housing had to be adapted to the camera, for which the electronics team constructed dedicated additional focus control. The housing was also equipped with lighting lamps. The film team together with the diver first made tests of the immersion and operation of the camera on a 5m deep pool in Poznan. The tests were successful and the parameters for underwater shooting were selected and tuned. After such training and preparations, it was possible to rent a boat and go underwater near Hel town, at the very end of the peninsula. The 6K camera from RED was inserted into the housing due to its compact dimensions. The diver managed to descend to a depth of about 40 meters, but the best shots were taken at a depth of 25 meters. In the underwater view recorded by camera there are sunken shipwrecks, fish and jellyfish, and even… a bicycle.
By the way, it was possible to record 8K clips from the boat deck and from the port. The port has a wonderful view of the Puck Bay and the Gulf of Gdansk, behind which you can see the ports of Gdynia and Gdansk, about 25 km away. A drone with a 4K camera was also used in the port, thanks to which films and making-of could be enriched with aerial shots. In the port, two Canon 4DSr timelapse 3D cameras were also recorded, and on the beach, using the same setup, also 12K panoramic shots were taken. In the latter case, in post-production, the images from both cameras were combined into panoramas using PTGui software.
- RED EPIC-M DRAGON (6K camera) with underwater case
- SONY F65 (8K) with Canon CN-E30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP zoom lens
- 2 photo cameras Canon 5DSr + special rig
- Drone DJI Phantom 4
- Leszek Nowak – Cameraman, Edit
- Maciej Jaśkiewicz – Cameraman, Edit
- Eryk Skotarczak – Cameraman
- Jacek Walczak – Camera assistant
- Radosław Konieczny – Scuba-diver, Cameraman
Credits, Special Thanks
- Piotr Ostapowicz, Adam Łoś, Tytus Sielach – for electronics design and required modification of the underwater case
- Hotel “Hel” – for allowing camera testing in swimming pool and nice atmosphere
These movies have been produced in the scope of the Immersify project. On this page you can find a preview of video clips. If you would like to obtain permission to use the audio-visual contents in full resolution please contact us: info@immersify.eu. We can provide you with the ultra-high definition quality videos in HEVC or uncompressed TIFF/DPX files.