May 2018, Poznań, Poland
In May 2018 the PSNC team shot 8K footage of the Cathedral in Poznań. The filming took a few days and was preceded by scanning the building in 3D with the use of LIDAR technology. The technology enabled a very accurate mapping of the main Gothic nave and the Golden Chapel. The footage can be divided into three parts: the interiors, the external surroundings, the aerial photos (which were taken in 6K, as the 8K camera was too heavy to allow the drone to take off) and 360° videos. In addition to that, binaural and ambisonic audio was recorded during a short organ concert performed especially for us in the Cathedral. The source material will be used to contribute to several tasks of the Immersify project related to high quality content, interactive content, immersive sound as well as encoding 16K and VR. By scanning point clouds, we will be able to render movies up to a resolution of 8K (i.e. 16K) and stereoscopic films. So far, two film clips have been produced: 8K from SONY cameras and 16K from point clouds. The recordings were intended not only to acquire high resolution content, but also to provide an interactive immersive experience using software from Immersify and Immersia TV, as well as PSNC’s original solutions.
The experimental recording was aimed not only at capturing a high-resolution video content, but also at combining solutions developed within the ImmersiaTV and Immersify projects. The ImmersiaTV project (www.immersiatv.eu), carried out by an international consortium between 2015 and 2018, focused on synchronising multiple video streams to deliver traditional TV and additional 360° omnidirectional content. We implemented specific extensions for Media Player 8K to synchronise and secure interaction between the Immersify and ImmersiaTV.
There was a whole variety of technologies used in this project – from SONY’s 8K cameras, through drone and aerial photography, to FARO Focus 3D X330 laser scanner. The scanner’s range is from 0.6 – to 330 meters even in direct sunlight. With its integrated GPS receiver, the laser scanner can correlate individual scans in post-processing. It measures up to 976 000 points per second and has an integrated 165-million-pixel colour camera. The 3D laser scanning allowed us to generate point cloud of almost 2 billion points and generate videos in almost any resolution and aspect ratio (8K, 12K, 16K, 3D and 360° panoramas).
Thanks to the courtesy of the Archdiocese of Poznań, our team could install themselves in the church for a week with a group of young actors – four children, who visited the cathedral with a guide, performed as actors.
For Immersify, we have generated several video content – one with nice views from the church (8K camera) and other rendered from point cloud. In order to render 16K, 360°, and stereo content from point cloud, PSNC has used and implemented several improvements to the CloudCompare open source software, especially related to enabling 8K+ resolution rendering, support for 3D and 360 cubic-projection as well as virtual camera tracking using Bézier curves. In addition, the multi-channel, ambisonic and binaural sound was recorded and music was prepared and played using old cathedral organs by Jacek Pupka, who performed masterpieces: Alec Rowley’s ”Triumph song”, J. S. Bach’s Fuge in d-minor and own improvisation.
OrganConcert UHD Preview, 7680×4320, 5:29
From the Inside – A different view of the Cathedral in Poznań (preview), 2:25
List of Equipment
2x 8K camera – modified SONY F65 + 4x 512GB SRmemory cards
16TB redundant storage for daily transfers in hotel
Oconnor 2065 + CINE HD camera stand
Leica Summicron-C 6 set fixed lens set
Canon CN-E30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP zoom lens
Fujinon Cabrio 19-90 zoom lens
RED EPIC-M DRAGON for drone footage
Intuitive Aerial AERIGON MK II drone
Insta360 Pro – 8K 360 video camera
Sony BVM-X300 color reference monitor
Sony BVM-E170A perview monitor
Panther TWISTER camera dolly
VariZoom CinemaPro Remote Head w/ Cinema Hand Wheels
Varizoom VZTOC-ZFi3 wireless lens control
Chrosziel Magnum + Alladin wireless lens control
Arri M8, M18 and M40 High Speed Set – daylight film lamps
Dedolight Dedocolor set – led flood lights
Sekonic C-700 + L-478D light and spectral meter
Roland R88 audio recorder
DPA 5100 5.1 microphone
Sennheiser ew100 / ew500 wireless audio
Sennheiser Ambeo VR MIC – ambisonic microphone
Microphones: Sennheiser MKE2-EW Gold, Line Audio OM1, Line Audio CM3, Audio-Technica AT897, Audio-Technica AT8015
Focusrite RedNet 3, RedNet 4 for on set multichannel recording
Creaform Go!SCAN 20 handheld 3D scanner
Focus 3D X330 firmy Faro automatic cloud point scanner
Maciej Głowiak – coordination, script
Ewa Menzfeld – coordination, script, edit
Magdalena Madaj – photos
Leszek Nowak – Cameraman, camera assistant
Paweł Rybarczyk – Cameraman, edit
Eryk Skotarczak – Cameraman, camera assistant, color correction
Wojciech Raszewski – sound
Jacek Walczak – graphics, 3D scans
Mirosław Czyrnek – production assistance
Agnieszka Musialska – casting, actors coordination
Maciej Stróżyk – production assistance
Maciej Jaśkiewicz – Making Of
Credits, special thanks
Archdiocese of Poznań Archcathedral Parish of St. Peter and St.Paul in Poznań
Prelate Jan Stanisławski – guide in the Cathedral church
Jacek Pupka – organist, music performance
H2020 Immersia TV project (consortium lead by I2CAT and composed of VRT, EPFL, PSNC, IMEC, Cinegy, Lightbox, Videostitch and Azilpix)